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Why I Don’t Believe in Regret

Kianna Leaa

How to transform regret into growth and leverage past experiences to drive future success.

Me smiling in a black leather jacket sitting in a car with a sunroof. Brown interior, lush greenery outside. Relaxed and cheerful mood.

Regret is a feeling most of us are familiar with. It stems from the things we did or didn’t do, the decisions we made or failed to make. But here’s the truth: at any given moment, you make the best decision you can with the knowledge, experience, and tools available to you. Regret, then, becomes a harsh critic that looks back from the future with today’s wisdom—a wisdom you didn’t yet possess at the time.

It’s tempting to glance back at our past and think, “I would have done things differently.” Of course, you would! With the insight and tools you have now, better choices seem obvious. But that’s an unfair comparison. You weren’t the same person then as you are today. This is why I choose not to believe in regret. Instead, I view past experiences—even the painful ones—as opportunities for growth.

Rather than letting regret weigh you down, ask yourself: What did I gain from this experience? How can I approach things differently next time? What tools and knowledge have I acquired that will help me tackle similar challenges in the future? In doing so, you transform regret into learning and propel yourself forward with newfound clarity.

Think of it this way: when we drive, we look ahead because that’s the direction we’re moving. The rearview mirror is there to provide perspective, not to dictate our journey. We press the gas and brakes in the present, guided by lessons from the past, to move toward a better destination. Similarly, using the past as a guide for future actions is productive, but allowing regret to anchor us to what has already passed is neither practical nor healthy.

You can’t beat yourself up for what you couldn’t control or didn’t know at the time. What you can do is reframe your mindset and focus on what lies within your power today. With your growing experience, deeper knowledge, and new tools, you’re better equipped to make informed decisions that align with your future goals.

Regret is a chain that binds us to the past. Growth, on the other hand, is the freedom to learn from it and move forward. Choose growth. Choose to believe in the power of your journey. Your past has shaped you, but it doesn’t define you—it prepares you for the incredible future ahead.



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